Friday, November 2, 2018

Section 10 - Aft Fuselage (aft bulkheads and attach bars)

Continued to (slowly) progress through the steps of assembling the 2 rear-most bulkheads and associated attach bars and tie-down bracket, as well as starting the 3rd bulkhead from the rear. I'm starting to see the light at the end of the empennage kit tunnel - it is nearly time to order the wing kit ... probably by the end of November to have it delivered ~mid-January.

Clecoed and then final-drilled the second bulkhead (2 pieces) from the aft section to the horizontal stabilizer attach bars:

Fluted the bottom flanges of the bulkhead, radiused the sharp edges, and then fit the bulkhead to the aft bottom skin of the fuselage.  Seems to fit now:

Horizontal stabilizer attach bars, deburred and scuffed, ready for cleaning (acetone and Prep-All) before priming:

After priming:

Clecoed aft bulkhead to tie-down bracket, ready for riveting (manufactured flush heads of AN426-4 rivets will be aft):

Riveted aft bulkhead (aft side):

Riveted aft bulkhead (forward side):

Riveted second bulkhead from rear (forward side):

Riveted second bulkhead from rear (aft side):

Fluted bottom flanges of 3rd bulkhead from rear (F-01410); fitting to aft bottom skin of fuselage:

Drilled and deburred horizontal stabilizer attach bars, final-drilled 1/4" holes on both attach bars; primed attach bars; deburred and primed small bulkhead doublers:

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