Sunday, April 28, 2019

Section 18 - Fuel Tank (ribs, stiffeners, zee-brackets, skin)

Lots of little tasks were completed on the left fuel tank:  deburred the tank ribs (edges and holes); dimpled the rib flanges; cut, deburred and dimpled stiffeners; cut, deburred, countersunk and riveted nutplates to zee-brackets; deburred edges and holes of tank skin; cut, drilled, deburred and dimpled j-channel stiffener; and, dimpled tank skin.  NOTE that all internal structures (e.g. ribs) were dimpled using Cleaveland Aircraft Tool tank dimple dies, which dimple slightly deeper to accommodate a thicker layer of Proseal - not sure if this matters, but since I bought those dimple dies, damnit I'm using them! Any task that did NOT involve proseal was welcomed (I'm dreading the mess, and time constraints; thus, I'm still finalizing the plan of attack).

Tank ribs, completed - I didn't feel like spreading them out (again) to photograph ... but, they're done:

Another view:

Tank stiffeners:

Tank zee-brackets:

Cut, drilled, deburred and dimpled j-channel stiffener:

Tank skin, after deburring but before dimpling:

Tank skin, after dimpling:

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