Sunday, March 10, 2019

Section 16 - Top Wing Skins (drilled, dimpled, countersunk, clecoed)

Final drilled wing walk doublers and inboard top wing skin to wing assembly, then countersunk holes in the top wing skin since this area won't be dimpled.  Dimpled the remaining top flanges of the rest of the ribs that do not contact the wing walk doublers, and dimpled all the remaining holes in the inboard and outboard top wing skins.

Inboard wing skin prior to countersinking:

Countersunk holes corresponding to the wing walk doublers:

Dimpled the remaining holes in the top wing skins; now it awaits a break my wife's hectic schedule to  start bangin' those rivets!

I attempted to redo the outboard aileron hinge bracket ... still bound the bearing, likely because of side loads on the bearing races when riveting. I think I know what is wrong, and with advice from a seasoned RV builder (thanks again, Ken B.!) I'm going to give it a third try whenever I get the parts.  At least this bracket does not need to be attached to the main assembly until much later.

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