Sunday, February 24, 2019

Section 13 - Main Spar (Left side completed)

Lots accomplished during the first weekend after receiving the wing kit, including finished this section (left wing only, since I'm building one wing at a time), and starting Section 14 Wing ribs (mostly straightening ribs and deburring holes and edges).

Match-drilled long and short j-channels using pilot holes from main spar flanges:

Finished drilling upper j-channels - I don't think there are enough clecos for this step (and this doesn't include the lower j-channels!)

Another view:

lower j-channels "rolled" 180deg onto the upper spar flanges to finish match drilling:

Countersunk a crap-load of holes - every one in both spar flanges.  I didn't count, but estimate 500-600 - my small, "pancake" style compressor was working overtime.

Nutplates for fuel tank attachment:

Another view:

More countersinking - those dark rings mostly wipe off:

Took a short break to attend Joe Bonamassa at the Dr. Phillips Center - fantastic concert!

Nutplates (3) installed in spar web:

Aileron bellcrank brackets:

Nutplates (4) in spar web tip:

Instead of spot-priming hundreds of countersunk holes, I quickly shot each side with SEM primer (not show); also, primed the aileron bellcrank brackets since I was already outside:

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